On August 21st, I lost my wallet. :-( When I rode on the train, I tried to take my wallet from a rear pocket, but there wasn’t my wallet! I had no idea where my wallet was and why my wallet had been lost. Still I don’t know where it is. In the wallet, there were many important cards such as cash card, point cards, student identification card of Aoyama Gakuin, and a coin which Joe gave me. I’m really disappointed with losing my important things. I’m sorry, Joe. I hope my wallet will be found!!
I want to write comments and respond to email more quickly, but it’s hard for me now, for I don’t have my own PC. I want my own PC, so I’m doing part-time job almost everyday all day long to buy my own PC (laptop). I work on even the nightshift. As some know, my part-time job is security guard. Now, definitely, I work not for the security, but for the future laptop! =) I’ll let you know when I get laptop.
Hey, Mike, school will start back on September 22nd!
16 years ago
I hope your wallet will be found:-(
Dear Masatoshi,
I am so sorry to hear that you lost your wallet with all those important papers (losing papers and cards is always more inconvenient than just losing money). It sounds like a pickpocket got it. Do you think so?
Do you think you will be able to earn enough money for the laptop between now and when school starts? I hope so! I would be lost without my home PC (but I don't have a laptop). Good luck, and I hope you can get it by Sept. 27 so you can chat with us at Tapped In!
Hey Hippo,
I'm sorry about your wallet, that really stinks. I hope it turns up soon. At least you didn't lose it when you were in America, that would have been really bad.
Have a great day and good luck finding your wallet!
Masatoshi, did you try calling the subway station or subway line (I don't know if you can do that but it's worth a try). Maybe it is sitting in a lost and found box somewhere.
Even if you lost that stuff, at least you have the memories!
I know what you mean about needing a laptop, I just got a Macbook last week and I don't know what I did without it before! I recommend Mac rather than PC, they're much more stable and you can install Windows if you want to.
Sorry for the long comment!
Thanks for the comment, Hippo. How are you doing? Please write another post so that I can know what you are doing during the rest of your summer vacation.
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